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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Company Administration > Configuration >
Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management configurations contain all configurations related to HR and RM  functionalities.

Steps to configure settings

  1. Navigate to Administration Configuration --> Human Resource Management
  2. Expand the row to go into the configuration subgroup.
  3. Expand the row for the sub group to get into the configuration rule
  4. Click on the "Pencil Sign" to edit a configuration items.
  5. Enter relevant details.
  6. Save the configuration.

Table 1 : Human Resource Management Configurations

Subgroup Rule Functionality


Send an email alert for "Employee Leave". This configuration uses two "Document Templates":
1. Template: Leave Notification Email Template
This template is sent to the "Employee" and configuration "HR email address".

2. Template: Leave Approval/Reject Email Template
This template is sent to the "Leave Approver" and has the option to "Approve/Reject" the leave entry

Refer to Help documentation for the list of available tags that can be used in the template.


Send an email alert when "Employee Time" is "Submitted", "Approved" or "Rejected". This alert is sent to the "time approver" when "submitted" and employee when "approved" or "rejected".

  • Employee "Email Address" is picked from "Link Web - User Maintenance".
  • Approver "Email Address" is picked from "Backoffice - Employee Profile.
ESS.Alert.TimeLeaveAccrual.Enable  Send an email alert for "Leave accruals" when "Employee Time" is approved. Leave is accrued when "Activity~>Payroll Pay Code" is mapped to a "Leave Code" in menu "HRIS Maintenance ~> Activity". This alert is sent to configuration "HR email address".
ESS.ALERT.Achievement.Enable Send an email alert when an employee's "Achievement" record is created in menu "Employee Profile ~> Achievements". This alert is sent to the "employee", "employee's manager" and configuration "HR email address".
  ESS.ALERT.Discipline.Enable Send an email alert when an employee's "Discipline" record is created in menu "Employee Profile ~> Discipline". This alert is sent to the "employee", "employee's manager" and configuration "HR email address".
ESS.ALERT.Memo.Enable Send an email alert when an employee's "Memo" record is created in menu "Employee Profile ~> Memo". This alert is sent to the "employee", "employee's manager" and configuration "HR email address".
HRM.Alert.EmployeeServiceEnd Send an email alert when employee's status is marked as "Inactive" or "Terminated" from the "Employee Maintenance" menu. This alert is sent to configuration "HR email address" and uses Document Template "HRM Employee Service End Alert".
Hrm.Alert.LeaveMaxAccrue.Enable Send an email alert when "Leave Accrual" has exceeded the "Maximum Accrue" limit. This alert is sent to the employee and configuration "HR email address".
  ESS.ALERT.MeetingTasks.Enable Send an email alert when a meeting task is assigned to an employee in menu "Employee Profile ~> Meetings". This alert is sent to the "employee".
   Hrm.Alert.Meeting.Enable Send an email alert when a "Meeting" is scheduled. This alert is sent to all attendees and CC to configuration "HR email address".
HRM.ALERT.NewEmployee.Enable Send an email alert after the profile photo has been uploaded for an employee.
HRM.ALERT.TrainingSchedule.Enable Send an email alert when a "Training" is scheduled.
HRM.ALERT.TrainingScheduleCompleted Send an email alert when a Training Schedule is marked as completed. This alert is sent to configuration "HR email address" and uses Document Template "HRM Training Schedule Completed Alert".
HRM.ALERT.VacanyAdvertisement.Enable Send an email when a advertisement details is added to a vacancy under"Link Web -> Recruitment -> Vacancy Manage".
Mail_DeductionCap_Address Email address to send deduction over gross alert.
Mail_Employee_Duplicate_BankAccount_Flag Send an email alert when a duplicate "Bank Account Number" is entered in menu "Employee Profile ~> Pay Direct Credit". This alert is sent to configurations "Payroll email address" and "HR email address".
Mail_Employee_Duplicate_Super_Flag Enable duplicate Super No. alert (Y/N)
Mail_Employee_Duplicate_Tax_Flag Enable duplicate Tax No alert (Y/N)
Mail_Employee_TimeEntry_Address Email address to send Employee Time Entry variance alert
Mail_Position_Change_Email Email address to send position change alert
Mail_Position_Change_Flag Send an email alert when employee's cost centre is changed in the "Position Maintenance" screen. This alert is sent to configuration "Email address to send position change alert" and "HR email address".

 This alert is sent to configuration "Email address to send position change alert" and "HR email address".

The alert is generated for below functions:

  1. When the employee's cost centre is changed in the "Position Maintenance".
  2. When the position of the employee is changed under "Employee Profile". The email is sent when the pay is created with the new position using the position effective date.

Configuration Rules (Expand into the details to enable the rules under "Module Configuration").

  1. Email address to send position change alert
  2. Send email to employee's email address
  3. Send email to "HR email address"
Mail_RateChange_Address Email address to send rate change alert (Blank=Employee)
PAY_PR_EMP_PAY_TRG Send an email alert when employee's default rate has changed. This alert is sent to configuration "Email address to send rate change alert (Blank=Employee)".
Employee Leave LeaveEntry.AllowOverlapWithTime  Allow "Leave Entry" to overlap with "Time Entry" when "Leave Entry" status is "Applied"
1. Time entry are all entries marked with "Activity Type = Time Entry"
2. When applying for leave, the system will validate the date and time against the time entries. If an overlap is found, then the leave will not be applied.
ESS_Leave_DisplayInDays The system stores all leave entries in hours. Do you want to display leave entries in days? Days are calculated based on the employee's "hours per day".
Employee Profile allow_deduct_pamt_change
  DefaultRoleName Default role assigned to employee when the profile is created.

Users can define format of the "Username" of employees created automatically. The following codes define the Web Login username format when the profile is created:
M = Manual (Administrator needs to create the user in web and assign an employee id)
I = Employee ID
N = Name(1st character of First Name + Last Name)
L = FirstName.LastName
E = Email Name (Values before the @ sign)

General Setting HR Email Address Enter the email address for the "Human Resource Department" or "Officer" who should be receiving all HR emails.
  ESS_EmployeeComboList_Format This controls the list of employees displayed that can be viewed by the logged in user.
You can use these three values:
R = Single level ([REPORTS TO] from Position Maintenance menu 313-4) is displayed.
T = Multi level ([REPORTS TO] from Position Maintenance menu 313-4) is displayed.
C = Custom Approval Path based on menu "Global System -> User Workflow". You can use this to define chain approval workflow.
Next Employee Exit Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Exit" code under "LinkWeb -> Employee Profile -> Exit Maintenance". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Employee Appraisal No. (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Appraisal" code under "LinkWeb -> Performance Appraisal -> Appraisal". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next OHS Claim No. (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Claim" code under "LinkWeb -> Health & Safety -> Employee Claims". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Employee Discipline Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Discipline" code under "LinkWeb -> Employee Profile -> Discipline". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Employee/Applicant Education Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Education" code under "LinkWeb -> Employee Profile -> Qualification" and "LinkWeb ->  Recruitment -> Qualification" . This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Employee/Applicant Experience Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Experience" code under "LinkWeb -> Employee Profile -> Experience" and "LinkWeb ->  Recruitment 
->  Experience" . This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next OHS Incident No. (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Incident" code under "LinkWeb -> Health & Safety-> Incident Reporting". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Employee/Applicant Memo ID (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Memo" code under "LinkWeb -> Employee Profile -> Memo" and "LinkWeb ->  Recruitment 
->  Memo" . This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Employee Performance Plan Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Performance Plan" code under "LinkWeb -> Performance Appraisal->Performance Plan". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Employee Training Plan Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Training Plan" code under "LinkWeb -> Training & Development-> Training Plan". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Next Training Schedule Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Training Schedule" code under "LinkWeb -> Training & Development-> Training Schedule". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Recruitment NEXT.ADV.Code

The value entered here will be saved as the next "Advertisement" code under "LinkWeb -> Recruitment-> Vacancy Manage". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.


The value entered here will be saved as the next "Applicant" code under "LinkWeb -> Recruitment-> Applicant Profile". This code will increment each time a new exit reason is saved.

Recruitment --> Vacancy View Vacancy.Application.Instructions Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy View".
  Vacancy.Education.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Education" tab
  Vacancy.Experience.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Experience" tab
  Vacancy.Finish.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Finish" tab 
  Vacancy.PersonalInformation.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Personal Information" tab
  Vacancy.PositionRequirements.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Position Requirements" tab
  Vacancy.Reference.Notes Instructions shown on menu "Recruitment ~> Vacancy Application ~> Reference" tab
Timesheet Import TimesheetImport.AutomaticApproveDaysBuffer Timesheet import automatic approve days buffer. Time entries past the days buffer will be picked by the devices with "processing mode" = "Import Submit and Approve".
  TimesheetImport.MaximumHours Timesheet import maximum hours. Entries exceeding this value will be marked as invalid based on the maximum hours rule [R009].